18 April 2011

Easter Naturally - From "A-List Mom"

A-List Mom, Copyright Mamalista LLC, is a daily email that I SUBSCRIBE to, and you should too!

"A-List Mom" describes their service as "a free daily email that brings news of the coolest products to service babies, tykes, tots and mamas right to your inbox". I love it. Sometimes the products are way out of my price range, and they do not always showcase eco-friendly items... but other times they are right on the mark. Take, for example, this email:

This Easter, you’ve resolved to be more healthy, so nothing but natural dyes will be touching those eggs or baby fingers. But wait: Says here you need orange peels, carrot tops, celery seed, ground cumin, ground turmeric, chamomile tea, green tea...and that’s just to make yellow. Before you throw in the towel, check out the Eco-Eggs Easter Egg Coloring Kit by Eco Kids. 

The Eco-Eggs kit comes in a cute egg carton with three capsules of dye (orange, blue and purple), a chart for making six colors, decorating instructions and two soy crayons. With natural dyes made from ingredients like blueberries, sweet potato, paprika and cabbage, the Eco-Eggs kit takes the chopping, dicing and boiling frustration out of DIY dye, so all you’re left with is fun.

(I don't properly know how to credit third parties for information, as I'm new to blogging. If you can provide me with help, I'd appreciate it.)

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