10 April 2011

How did this happen?

I was raised by a SAHM (stay at home mom).
My husband (Natural Dad) was raised by a SAHM.
I had always planned on being a SAHM.

Things changed.

I wake up when I hear my son (Monkey) in the monitor. I can't seem to drop the habit of snoozing the alarm for over an hour - wearing mascara daily isn't more enticing than more sleep. I give him the 15 minutes of nursing he needs in order to be a functioning human (I liken it to a cup of coffee for me) and then it's time to really get up. I somehow manage to get him ready, get myself ready, get the dog ready and get out the door on time (or no more than 10 minutes late) every day. I make the drive to my son's "school", emotionally wrestle with the dropoff and race to work. After pounding away at the daily grind I make the drive to my son's "school", physically wrestle with the pickup and race home. I attempt to get everyone fed, including the dog. There needs to be adequate family/play time before bed and if I can get the little one bathed it's a successful night. After the 15 minutes of nursing he needs in order to get to sleep (I liken it to a glass of wine for me) I tuck him in for the night and then I get to work. In addition to trying to squeeze in all of the things around the house that need to be done, I'm an adult learner - I'm a matriculated student at a State University and I take online classes. I also try to socialize, leave room for hobbies, be a wife (this requires work, too) and watch some TV. Sleep is limited, but precious... hence the snoozing.

I'm a WOHM (work out of home mom).

This blog came about when I realized that I was raising my son the way that I had always intentioned, in modern fashion. I've made some adjustments so that implementing my natural living plan works for my family and my lifestyle. I call it "Living Naturally, the WOHM way". It will chronicle the compromises that I make, and the tiny steps that I take to live naturally with the time that I have. It will also touch on the choices that I've had to make that were not so natural, and I hope to get valuable advice in return. I  know that there are other moms out there that are struggling, too. I hope this speaks to you.


  1. This is a great blog Loretta - Living naturally the WOHM way is a gift to share!

  2. Loretta-
    I love it so far! You and I are very similar... We both work full time jobs, go to school, and are raising a child with a husband that also works a full time job. I always wanted to be a SAHM, but in this day and age it is close to impossible. I will enjoy reading this blog, and relating it to my everyday life. Plus since we are both so busy and never have time to see each other and catch up, this will keep me updated in your everyday life.

  3. Ditto Loretta, it's tough making it all work and compromises are necessary on all fronts! I love your style, can't wait to read more.
